All right, here I will tell you a famous tip about stealing. Well, it is not about stealing an image itself, but stealing only the basic color. We can make our targeted image (if it is a dull one) into an interesting and a colorful image.
You can do it using Photoshop or Gimp. First, I’ll give you a short instruction about GIMP methodology.
Choose any image, which is dull in color, and open it through GIMP. Choose another image which is colorful and the same time make sure this image color should match your targeted image.
Select a dull color image |
Select a bright color image
Once you open both, go to your targeted image. Select COLORS>> MAP >> SAMPLE COLORIZE. You will get a small window named Sample Colorize.
Select Sample Colorize |
Click on Get Sample Colors |
On top, you can see an option as DESTINATION with a drop down menu. Make sure your targeted image appears there. In the right side, your bright color image should appear as SAMPLE.
Now, click on GET SAMPLE COLORS button on bottom. You may be able to see the color change in your targeted image. If you are satisfied with the new color, you can click on APPLY>> CLOSE. Else, try with some other bright color samples.
Your image with new color. |
You can apply the same with Photoshop. Play with colors. :)